Let's get started!

If there's anything we know about recruitment it's that persistence, knowledge, and innovation are the keys to success.

And it's our hope here at Phired Up that through this Panhellenic digital classroom that you'll have everything at your fingertips to ensure your chapter, council, and community's success moving forward.

We know that there are many opportunities for women to join sororities - from our NPC organizations to our NPHC organizations, from MGC, NALFO, NAPA and our local organizations.

In the Panhellenic Digital Classroom we may be Panhellenic BUT this education can be embraced by any sorority, or really almost any membership organization. 

The process to complete the classroom is pretty straight-forward:

  • You have access to 9+ Modules of content from Phired Up's educators - experts on sorority and fraternity recruitment processes.

  • The Table of Contents will help you find specific content easily but also help you track your progress if you need to stop and come back later.

  • Navigate modules and pages using the arrows on the bottom of the page.

  • Watch the videos and click the links. Everything in here is added with intention and purpose. It's not busywork if progress is what is achieved. 

  • We will have Classroom Challenges for you to complete with your chapter, or council, and goal setting to work through. Take the time to work through this classroom with intention. It's not meant to be completed in just one day - transforming sorority recruitment takes time.

  • At the end - you'll be a Phired Up Certified Recruiter! Make sure to complete the full course including the final assessment - we'll send you your official certificate of completion once you've done all of these things.

Go at your own pace! Some may wish to dive into this all in one day, some may spend a few days, and others may want to do a couple of modules per week. 100% your choice. We just ask that you take the quick assessment at the end when completed.

We are excited to work with you and learn with you. Should you be interested in more things from Phired Up, please visit our main site here, our blogs here, and a ton of robust free resources here

Enjoy, and have phun!
The Team at Phired Up